
Propiedades de los gases
Propiedades de los gases

propiedades de los gases

The real density of shungite carbon can vary from 1.9 to 2.1 g/cm 3 and depends on its structure and the conditions of its formation. Probably this explains the anisotropy of physical properties of shungite. The globules in shungite are mutually oriented. Round or elongated globules of a fraction of an angstrom in size are the elements of the extra-molecule structure. Shungite possesses an extra-molecule structure detectable by electron microscopy. Shungite rocks have high electric conductivity and considerable mechanical strength.

propiedades de los gases

It determines their numerous practical applications.

propiedades de los gases

They are characterized by highly dispersed silicate mineral grains evenly distributed in the shungite carbon matrix. Shungite rocks have a peculiar structure. Recently it has been stated that the mineral has important amounts of fullerenes, mainly C 60. Shungite (schungite) is elementary carbon with amorphous structure, although X-Rays studies show the existence of fragments with graphitic structures with an interlayer distance of 3.4 and 3.5 Å. A pesar de su composición y los tratamientos a los que ha sido sometida, la superficie aparece como bastante homogénea desde el punto de vista energético. La muestra ha resultado mesoporosa, con una distribución de radios de poro bastante estrecha y presenta una superficie específica relativamente baja. Se informa la distribución de tamaños de poro, el volumen total de poro, la densidad real y aparente y la distribución de energías de adsorción. En este trabajo se presentan resultados, obtenidos a partir del estudio de la adsorción comparada de N 2, Ar, O 2 y CO 2, que contribuyen a la caracterización del mineral. Sus propiedades y aplicaciones se encuentran actualmente en pleno desarrollo.

propiedades de los gases

Shungita es un mineral natural carbonoso que se encuentra en yacimientos en Rusia. Their specific surface is relatively low and the surface seems to be rather homogeneous. The sample of shungite shows a mesoporous surface with a narrow size pore distribution. Real and apparent densities were determined and the adsorption energy distribution was calculated for N 2, Ar and CO 2. Pore size distribution and pore volume were calculated. In this work the surface properties for a sample of shungite were characterized using physical adsorption of N 2, Ar, O 2 and CO 2. Their properties are currently under study and their applications are continuously growing. Shungite is a natural carbonaceous mineral, abundant in Russia. 1ġ Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas INIFTA (UNLP-CICPBA-CONICET) C.C. Characterization Of Shungite By Physical Adsorption Of GasesĬascarini de Torre, L.E.

Propiedades de los gases